
Clan Info
Clan Name: Vanguard
Clan Tag: Sir
Clan Members: 84/100
Clan Level: 15
Clan Experience: 0
Clan Deposit: $839,757,372
Clan Description
6/12/2022 - Level 11 <3 11/1/2023 - Level 12 <3 24/3/2023 - Level 13<3
Clan Ranks
Rank 7 {d5a778}[7] The Lord »{ffffff}
Rank 6 {ff2e40}[6] Samuraiu »{ffffff}
Rank 5 {9d6cff}[5] Ronin »{ffffff}
Rank 4 {FFA600}[4] Legend »{32a852}
Rank 3 {619DFF}[3] Epic »{762fbd}
Rank 2 {4456db}[2] Rare »{762fbd}
Rank 1 {A7A7A7}[1] Common »{32a852}
Clan Members
ID Name Rank Level Clan Days Deposited Money
417 wxzth 7 258 837 $2,068,998,917
789 SaintCatalin 6 100 586 $23,119,534
9547 Mihai_02 6 213 556 $258,091,962
43868 Stefanos 6 41 544 $81,844,029
25273 VitalieC 6 200 798 $500,192,836
25276 mackned 6 165 625 $87,418,308
5065 .YoungMaster.Andres. 6 123 601 $6,762,910
53731 s1mpla 6 39 451 $2,038,266
29442 Valentin 5 269 598 $27,708,981
1541 SiRoV 5 29 769 $34,523,361
21 SebastianM 5 109 448 $19,890,759
48405 madaliNNN 5 43 539 $1,234,041
2078 Dueno 5 100 804 $2,783,088
9763 riko.rpg 5 111 746 $50,805,803
808 CozoRPG 5 35 766 $1,945,586
27692 Meteor 5 180 571 $67,886,965
2098 zexter 5 100 552 $1,153,275
47166 sLaYz0R. 5 33 279 $551,002
3903 .KuazaKuazaHD. 5 110 482 $1,956,718
53314 CoXx 5 33 414 $5,917,196
12365 Tataee 5 83 768 $15,878,398
36955 MiTzZza 5 221 601 $40,340,998
46175 Xeir000 5 33 461 $999,000
37227 MBAJALUL103 5 11 569 $0
23916 Nurofen 5 94 451 $31,852,257
17523 Co$tin@PustiGaozar 5 26 348 $6,580,662
51321 MAZ 5 28 396 $2,811,177
37503 AndreiSE 5 32 576 $5,277,527
10373 WXVSPEC 5 80 577 $50,124,803
55941 K4EDIUM.asi 5 19 326 $6,059,580
10374 bLaDe 5 40 306 $23,604,160
903 Codrutt 5 100 797 $33,780,918
59783 SaiyajiN 5 24 299 $41,906,246
148 SantaC3SVR 5 111 677 $134,383,812
46486 R3V0LV3R 5 37 577 $23,079,271
52643 SEB2971 5 25 347 $19,607,563
35025 Zyl1x 5 35 724 $16,929,983
9685 Radu.dauptERA 5 44 575 $14,326,129
4840 xMihaiFTW 5 33 728 $33,823,208
8683 Kiru. 5 144 733 $0
9710 SuspeckT 5 100 530 $16,011,025
32502 BestProfesorul 5 120 601 $18,674,307
54006 []Alex.[] 5 25 386 $0
39161 afkgobyv2 5 20 425 $0
35070 A$AP 5 202 283 $65,916,391
14 Ionchy 4 35 246 $0
1038 Dany 4 45 244 $0
46865 Bunicu_JR 4 6 267 $0
33314 AJALUL.BUNNY 4 37 455 $74,481
58915 Tarzanu 4 3 328 $641,701
27189 LuciINFINITE 4 36 251 $0
1085 Dookie 4 100 627 $57,976,976
57925 Ionut_B_ 4 7 274 $2,061,988
1105 NekoTheGamer 4 36 722 $3,801,728
10835 VladNN 4 48 241 $0
53611 Erbanbomba 4 5 229 $0
57971 Bell. 4 37 36 $505,136
37492 rullz 4 38 286 $6,411,704
19088 iStack 4 40 798 $2,904,656
10641 zewstalent. 4 35 254 $5,533,412
36241 mihaiBRAZiL 4 15 328 $0
36500 TheDrexel 4 19 267 $0
8086 Lucian@DauptCo$tin 4 43 464 $1,676,870
61092 grasut 4 10 276 $4,848,594
2300 Divi 4 18 243 $333,600
62204 Nezuko. 4 3 249 $0
47371 Rinkoko.2 3 5 250 $562,107
63027 Arekkusu69 3 2 229 $199,676
53831 Al_Mi79604 3 17 223 $4,420,088
62306 Horik 3 5 246 $1,959,873
62336 RoRipper 3 4 246 $0
53401 .rondodasosa.. 3 35 235 $0
60344 Marius2020Stoi 3 4 251 $0
62449 StoKeristaAJUTH 3 1 243 $0
44791 DenisRich.2 3 21 250 $0
1627 RooT.Adv 2 19 41 $0
61171 MrBlondu 2 25 214 $0
53278 EzAndrei1 1 11 235 $0
24869 Munteanu90 1 12 38 $2,913,021
18057 SniQuit 1 14 18 $0
51880 idk.sebyca 1 17 70 $0
68535 ALEXuntold 1 4 69 $0
33764 whiskyRO 1 42 36 $18,827,397
69627 DenisNegru 1 3 27 $138,305
Clan Vehicles
Model Rank Colours Map
Maverick 2
Sultan 1
Sultan 1
Sultan 1
Bullet 1
Bullet 1
Bullet 1
Infernus 2
Infernus 2
Infernus 2
Clan Logs
  • [2025-01-20 23:07:10] Mihai_02 changed Bell.'s rank to 4.
  • [2025-01-06 21:56:28] SniQuit joined the clan (invited by Sir.Meteor).
  • [2024-12-28 16:56:45] DenisNegru joined the clan (invited by mackned.Sir).
  • [2024-12-25 22:34:58] Mihai_02 changed RooT.Adv's rank to 2.
  • [2024-12-25 22:34:32] Mihai_02 changed Bell.'s rank to 2.
  • [2024-12-20 23:38:34] Mateias joined the clan (invited by Sir.MiTzZza).
  • [2024-12-19 23:33:05] TarzanDinBeci[BELL] joined the clan (invited by SirStefanos).
  • [2024-12-19 17:07:38] whiskyRO joined the clan (invited by Sir.MiTzZza).
  • [2024-12-17 13:47:28] Munteanu90 joined the clan (invited by Sir.AndreiSE).
  • [2024-12-14 02:35:16] RooT.Adv joined the clan (invited by Sir.CozoRPG).
  • [2024-12-09 19:53:45] Ianis. left the clan (uninvited by wxzth).
  • [2024-12-07 14:13:15] DaryusScandal joined the clan (invited by Sir.AndreiSE).
  • [2024-11-26 18:04:55] .YoungMaster.Andres. changed al1e7x's rank to 2.
  • [2024-11-26 18:02:57] al1e7x joined the clan (invited by Sir.YoungMaster.Andres.).
  • [2024-11-24 13:46:51] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-11-24 13:46:49] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-11-24 13:46:47] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-11-24 13:46:02] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-11-16 23:19:42] ALEXuntold joined the clan (invited by SirNurofen).
  • [2024-11-15 14:33:20] idk.sebyca joined the clan (invited by Sir.MiTzZza).
  • [2024-11-13 12:09:13] ReGeLeRaZvAn joined the clan (invited by Sir.MiTzZza).
  • [2024-09-24 19:35:29] castellano joined the clan (invited by [Sir]sLaYz0R.).
  • [2024-09-24 19:24:51] Kenzoche joined the clan (invited by [Sir]sLaYz0R.).
  • [2024-09-14 18:35:53] Recrutul joined the clan (invited by Sir.MiTzZza).
  • [2024-09-13 21:46:23] Pogba joined the clan (invited by Sir.MiTzZza).
  • [2024-09-01 20:20:59] TEK34 left the clan (uninvited by wxzth).
  • [2024-08-28 14:48:50] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-08-28 14:48:47] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-08-28 14:48:44] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-08-28 14:48:39] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-08-28 14:48:38] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-08-28 14:48:36] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-08-28 14:48:33] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-08-19 18:22:39] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-07-21 20:18:19] BDN joined the clan (invited by Sir.KuazaKuazaHD.).
  • [2024-07-15 22:19:02] wxzth extended the clan for another 30 days.
  • [2024-07-10 15:31:56] afkgoby changed GAB2973's rank to 4.
  • [2024-07-06 12:42:49] Zdurexxx joined the clan (invited by Sir.MiTzZza).
  • [2024-07-03 23:30:02] Adizrk joined the clan (invited by TEK34[Sir]).
  • [2024-07-03 17:24:13] .YoungMaster.Andres. changed GAB2973's rank to 2.
  • [2024-07-01 12:29:42] Mihai_02 changed Al_Mi79604's rank to 3.
  • [2024-07-01 12:29:08] Mihai_02 changed MrBlondu's rank to 2.
  • [2024-06-30 15:52:03] GAB2973 joined the clan (invited by Sir.SEB2971).
  • [2024-06-30 00:04:20] AndreiS321 joined the clan (invited by TEK34[Sir]).
  • [2024-06-25 21:22:43] Mihai_02 changed VladNN's rank to 4.
  • [2024-06-25 21:22:28] Mihai_02 changed Dany's rank to 4.
  • [2024-06-25 21:22:17] Mihai_02 changed Ionchy's rank to 4.
  • [2024-06-25 21:22:01] Mihai_02 changed Erbanbomba's rank to 4.
  • [2024-06-25 21:21:33] Mihai_02 changed rafiboss's rank to 4.
  • [2024-06-25 21:21:11] Mihai_02 changed Divi's rank to 4.