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web developer
Supporter Amethyst
Prime User
clan owner
Reclama jucator
Level 22
Playing hours 97.1665
Account Status Prime User until he dies.
Faction Civilian
Clan Gipsy Team, rank 7
Phone number 1234
Joined on 2021-07-14 15:34:38
Last online 2025-02-04 20:56:14
Warns 0/3
Job Trucker
Faction Punish 0
Model Vehicle Name Odometer Age Colours Options
[V+] [R+] [P] [S: 3/3]
Infernus (ID:906)
VIP Text: none

429 kilometers 1305 days open map
[V] [FT+]
NRG-500 (ID:2869)
VIP Text: none

7121 kilometers 1296 days open map

Moonbeam (ID:6781)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
106.451 kilometers 1870 days open map
[V] [FT]
Stretch (ID:6907)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
463.064 kilometers 1724 days open map
[V] [P] [FT]
Sabre (ID:6956)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
1079.77 kilometers 1615 days open map
[V] [FT]
Buffalo (ID:7476)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
2944.68 kilometers 1662 days open map
[V+] [P] [FT]
Bandito (ID:8432)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
1320 kilometers 1338 days open map
[V] [P] [FT]
Picador (ID:8531)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
428.485 kilometers 1781 days open map
Monster (ID:15282)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 1127 days open map
Monster (ID:16348)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 1127 days open map
Infernus (ID:16349)
VIP Text: none

5 kilometers 1127 days open map
Bus (ID:20240)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 1032 days open map

Jetmax (ID:29429)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 814 days open map

Sultan (ID:29434)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 814 days open map
Sultan (ID:29435)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 814 days open map
Sultan (ID:29436)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 814 days open map
Sultan (ID:29437)
VIP Text: none

1 kilometers 814 days open map

Moonbeam (ID:30007)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 802 days open map

Moonbeam (ID:30072)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 800 days open map
[V+] [R] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Elegy (ID:32239)
VIP Text: none

3997.37 kilometers 1685 days open map
[S: 2/3]
Hotring (ID:35249)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 627 days open map

PCJ-600 (ID:37025)
VIP Text: none

188 kilometers 589 days open map

Infernus (ID:41484)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 483 days open map
NRG-500 (ID:41485)
VIP Text: none

10 kilometers 483 days open map
[V+] [R] [S: 2/3]
Sabre (ID:46220)
VIP Text: none

18 kilometers 340 days open map

Cheetah (ID:52339)
VIP Text: none

3 kilometers 103 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [XMAS3]
Elegy (ID:52909)
VIP Text: none

28 kilometers 62 days open map
#ID Property Type Name Details Options
Avatar EquiNoxAdv was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Grove Street (rank 6) after 0 days, with 10 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. 1 years ago
Avatar EquiNoxAdv was uninvited by R4zvyy34 from faction Los Aztecas (rank 1) after 7 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Wipe. 2 years ago
Avatar EquiNoxAdv was uninvited by Admin Hazard from faction Hitman Agency (rank 6) after 1 days, without FP. Reason: are nevoie de loc lideru'. 3 years ago
Name Level Hours Group
ERARPG 6 1831.65 Civilian
Biscuite.AIM 200 1255.67 Civilian
xAlex 137 1026.79 Civilian
Don.Moft 62 1015.69 Civilian
qFabian 100 855.791 Los Santos Police Department
worldsparadise_ 86 690.621 Civilian
Tommy 175 681.842 Civilian
[]Macelaru 76 535.263 Taxi Los Santos
Corco 77 528.708 Civilian
rpg.killer 59 501.233 Civilian
ShiToNRares 49 463.826 Civilian
Matr3X_ 48 445.548 Civilian 47 416.827 Civilian
AlinBxe 45 381.962 Civilian
Attila 36 367.336 Civilian
madaliNNN 43 357.661 Civilian
AwRR 42 338.128 Civilian
MRN. 42 329.88 Civilian
WEiSMANN 40 329.229 Civilian
yeezus 41 323.898 Civilian

Rob - skill 1

Pizza Boy - skill 1

Bus Driver - skill 1

Garbage Man - skill 1

Fisherman - skill 1

Trucker - skill 1

Farmer - skill 0

Quarry Worker - skill 1

Security Transporter - skill 1

Postman - skill 1

  • Get your first driving license. - not completed
  • Give up your unemployed life. - completed
  • Buy your first cellphone from a 24/7 store. - not completed
  • Change up! Go get your first new pair of clothes. - completed
  • Get your first payday. - completed
  • Now it's the time! Advance your first job skill. - not completed
  • It's time to become a bad boy! - not completed
  • It's time to make some more money! - not completed
  • Get recruited in your first clan. - not completed
  • Buy your first brand new vehicle. - completed
  • Finish your first daily quest. - completed
  • Pass your first gun licence exam. - not completed
  • Pass your first boat licence exam. - not completed
  • Pass your first flying licence exam. - not completed
  • It's time to advance. Join your first faction! - not completed
  • Reach the max skill at any job. - not completed
  • You're rich! Get to your first$ deposited. - completed
  • Get your first co-leader of a faction. - not completed
  • Become a leader for the first time. - not completed
  • Become a helper for the first time. - completed
  • Become an admin for the first time. - completed
  • Make your first purchase. - completed
    Big avatar
    Limited Skin 296
    Big avatar
    Limited Skin 285
    Big avatar
    Premium Skin 40
    Big avatar
    Premium Skin 106

    Model: 19631
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19528
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19140
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18945
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing