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Supporter Amethyst
Prime User
clan owner
Reclama jucator
Level 38
Playing hours 297.834
Account Status Prime User until Thu 20 Feb 2025 - 11:54:37.
VIP Yes, until Wed 11 Jun 2025 - 18:03:41.
Faction Civilian
Clan Cabanna, rank 7
Phone number 8585
Joined on 2024-03-17 15:00:52
Last online 2025-02-14 22:21:31
Warns 1/3
Job Arms Dealer
Faction Punish 0
Model Vehicle Name Odometer Age Colours Options
[V] [R] [FT]
Greenwood (ID:133)
VIP Text:

1516 kilometers 1309 days open map
[V] [FT+] [S: 1/3]
Voodoo (ID:2490)
VIP Text: none

2220 kilometers 1298 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Freeway (ID:6647)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
3893 kilometers 1334 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Banshee (ID:6739)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
883.443 kilometers 1816 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P+] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Monster (ID:6987)
VIP Text:
bought on RPG
8839 kilometers 1414 days open map
[V] [FT]
Stretch (ID:7200)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
3245.37 kilometers 1716 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
NRG-500 (ID:7268)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
3504.98 kilometers 1800 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Bullet (ID:7392)
VIP Text: $efu
bought on RPG
1893.2 kilometers 1816 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P+] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Sandking (ID:7448)
VIP Text: _|_
bought on RPG
22855.3 kilometers 1807 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Infernus (ID:7521)
VIP Text:
bought on RPG
19679.3 kilometers 1869 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Fortune (ID:7538)
VIP Text:
bought on RPG
2420.34 kilometers 1869 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Blade (ID:8769)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
3805.92 kilometers 1805 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT] [S: 3/3]
Feltzer (ID:8777)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
1141.59 kilometers 1871 days open map
[V] [R] [P] [FT+]
Glendale (ID:8888)
VIP Text: none

1873 kilometers 1268 days open map
[V] [FT]
Broadway (ID:9533)
VIP Text: none

1929 kilometers 1261 days open map
[V] [P] [FT+] [S: 1/3]
Cheetah (ID:13478)
VIP Text: none

6515 kilometers 1187 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Infernus (ID:14611)
VIP Text:
bought on RPG
106538 kilometers 1516 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Bullet (ID:14619)
VIP Text:
bought on RPG
3688 kilometers 1512 days open map
Maverick (ID:25091)
VIP Text: none

3243 kilometers 928 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P+] [FT+] [S: 4/3]
Infernus (ID:27853)
VIP Text: _|_
bought on RPG
30128.9 kilometers 1874 days open map
[V] [P] [FT] [S: 2/3]
Patriot (ID:35569)
VIP Text: none

117 kilometers 326 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
FBI Rancher (ID:37417)
VIP Text:

14223 kilometers 582 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3]
Mountain Bike (ID:42636)
VIP Text: Regele

1666 kilometers 464 days open map
[V+] [R] [P] [FT+] [S: 3/3] [XMAS2]
Infernus (ID:46472)
VIP Text: none

2509 kilometers 622 days open map

Jetmax (ID:46867)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 322 days open map
[V+] [R+] [P] [FT+] [S: 2/3]
Bandito (ID:46869)
VIP Text: none

101 kilometers 322 days open map
Rancher (ID:47788)
VIP Text: none

53 kilometers 285 days open map
[S: 3/3]
Infernus (ID:52883)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 64 days open map
[S: 3/3]
Hotdog (ID:52886)
VIP Text: none

0 kilometers 64 days open map

Monster (ID:53575)
VIP Text: none

84 kilometers 31 days open map
#ID Property Type Name Details Options
32 business S.I.T. Enter Fee: $60.000
Type: 11
Price: not for sale
open map
19 house St4nco's Crib Rent: $50,000
Type: big
Price: not for sale
open map
1 apartment Apartment no. 1 Floor: 12
Door status: open closed
open map
Avatar St4nco was uninvited by Admin Alexiaa from faction Hitman Agency (rank 1) after 2 days, with 100 FP. Reason: Abuz de functie. 2 months ago
Avatar St4nco was uninvited by Fr3sHH from faction Grove Street (rank 1) after 0 days, with 10 FP. Reason: Demisie. 9 months ago
Avatar [CbN]St4nco has joined the group Grove Street (invited by TL.Fr3sHH). 9 months ago
Avatar [CbN]St4nco left faction Los Santos Police Department (rank 2) after 26 days using /quitgroup, with FP. 9 months ago
Avatar [CbN]St4nco has joined the group Los Santos Police Department (invited by Alexu). 10 months ago
Name Level Hours Group

Rob - skill 1

Pizza Boy - skill 1

Bus Driver - skill 1

Garbage Man - skill 1

Fisherman - skill 1

Trucker - skill 1

Farmer - skill 0

Quarry Worker - skill 1

Security Transporter - skill 1

Postman - skill 1

  • Get your first driving license. - completed
  • Give up your unemployed life. - completed
  • Buy your first cellphone from a 24/7 store. - not completed
  • Change up! Go get your first new pair of clothes. - completed
  • Get your first payday. - completed
  • Now it's the time! Advance your first job skill. - not completed
  • It's time to become a bad boy! - not completed
  • It's time to make some more money! - not completed
  • Get recruited in your first clan. - completed
  • Buy your first brand new vehicle. - completed
  • Finish your first daily quest. - completed
  • Pass your first gun licence exam. - completed
  • Pass your first boat licence exam. - completed
  • Pass your first flying licence exam. - completed
  • It's time to advance. Join your first faction! - completed
  • Reach the max skill at any job. - not completed
  • You're rich! Get to your first$ deposited. - completed
  • Get your first co-leader of a faction. - not completed
  • Become a leader for the first time. - not completed
  • Become a helper for the first time. - not completed
  • Become an admin for the first time. - not completed
  • Make your first purchase. - completed
    Big avatar
    Limited Skin 46
    Big avatar
    Limited Skin 120
    Big avatar
    Limited Skin 270
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    Premium Skin 29
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    Limited Skin 195
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    Limited Skin 169
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    Limited Skin 115
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    Limited Skin 271
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    Normal Skin 123
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    Normal Skin 258
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    Limited Skin 85
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    Limited Skin 0
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    Limited Skin 115
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    Limited Skin 85
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    Premium Skin 185
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    Premium Skin 141
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    Premium Skin 204
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    Premium Skin 289
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    Premium Skin 29
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    Premium Skin 21
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    Normal Skin 12
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    Normal Skin 47
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    Limited Skin 269
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    Limited Skin 292
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    Limited Skin 186
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    Limited Skin 292
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    Premium Skin 97
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    Premium Skin 109
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    Premium Skin 193
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    Premium Skin 298
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    Normal Skin 78
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    Normal Skin 123

    Model: 19142
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 3026
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19342
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19631
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18638
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 321
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 370
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18637
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 321
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 1550
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19631
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 11704
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 3026
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19081
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19042
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 5
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18637
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19055
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19631
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19080
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19625
    Type: EVENT
    Bone: 18
    Status: wearing

    Model: 18914
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18637
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19038
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19052
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 5
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19052
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 5
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18918
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19043
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 5
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19160
    Type: PREMIUM
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19067
    Type: PREMIUM
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19487
    Type: PREMIUM
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18962
    Type: PREMIUM
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19160
    Type: PREMIUM
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19033
    Type: PREMIUM
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19098
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18945
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19023
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19024
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19025
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18948
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19026
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19024
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19024
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18931
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18934
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19022
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18941
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19096
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19009
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19030
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19012
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19013
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18942
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18931
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19030
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18931
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19025
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19019
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing