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Supporter Gold
Reclama jucator
Level 226
Playing hours 1872.86
Account Status Normal Account
Faction Civilian
Clan Cabanna, rank 1
Phone number 8787
Joined on 2021-10-17 10:17:25
Last online 2025-01-06 20:13:11
Warns 0/3
Job Farmer
Faction Punish 0
Model Vehicle Name Odometer Age Colours Options
[V] [P] [FT+]
Bullet (ID:6770)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
2308 kilometers 1584 days open map
[V+] [R] [P] [FT+] [S: 1/3]
NRG-500 (ID:6919)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
12590 kilometers 1488 days open map
[V+] [R] [P] [FT+] [S: 1/3]
Infernus (ID:7974)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
24899.1 kilometers 1845 days open map
[V] [R] [FT+]
Savanna (ID:9121)
VIP Text: none
bought on RPG
2557 kilometers 1405 days open map

Jester (ID:11331)
VIP Text: none

488 kilometers 1229 days open map
[V] [FT+] [S: 1/3]
Huntley (ID:12553)
VIP Text: none

4557 kilometers 1205 days open map

Slamvan (ID:18669)
VIP Text: none

134 kilometers 1070 days open map
Maverick (ID:22939)
VIP Text: none

1192 kilometers 965 days open map
Faggio (ID:31479)
VIP Text: none

1178 kilometers 1307 days open map
Mountain Bike (ID:31550)
VIP Text: none

1615 kilometers 723 days open map
Bus (ID:33489)
VIP Text: none

34 kilometers 669 days open map
[V] [FT] [S: 2/3]
Patriot (ID:35072)
VIP Text: none

2847 kilometers 631 days open map
[V] [R] [FT+]
Police Car (ID:38494)
VIP Text: none

1104 kilometers 574 days open map
[V+] [R] [P] [FT+]
Monster (ID:38925)
VIP Text: none

392 kilometers 1516 days open map
[V+] [FT+] [S: 2/3]
Firetruck (ID:39427)
VIP Text: none

743 kilometers 556 days open map
[V] [P] [FT+]
Linerunner (ID:39592)
VIP Text: none

77 kilometers 553 days open map
[V] [R] [P] [FT+] [S: 1/3] [HALLOWEEN]
Sandking (ID:41494)
VIP Text: none

308 kilometers 483 days open map
[V] [FT+]
FBI Truck (ID:44956)
VIP Text: none

305 kilometers 405 days open map
[V] [FT] [S: 3/3]
Bloodring Banger (ID:45705)
VIP Text: none

108 kilometers 366 days open map
[R] [P]
Sanchez (ID:48928)
VIP Text: none

201 kilometers 239 days open map
#ID Property Type Name Details Options
Avatar Vlasez.BRO. was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Tow Car Company (rank 2) after 21 days, with 0 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. 1 years ago
Avatar Vlasez.BRO. was uninvited by AdmBot from faction National Guard (rank 1) after 7 days, with 40 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. 1 years ago
Avatar Vlasez.BRO was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Tow Car Company (rank 5) after 97 days, with 0 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. 2 years ago
Avatar Vlasez.BRO was uninvited by wxzth from faction Tow Car Company (rank 5) after 57 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Raport Incomplet. 2 years ago
Avatar Don.Vlasez.BRO has joined the group Tow Car Company (invited by Sirwxzth). 2 years ago
Avatar Vlasez.WEE.Don left faction The Rifa (rank 1) after 3 days using /quitgroup, with 40 FP. 2 years ago
Avatar Vlasez.WEE.Don has joined the group The Rifa (invited by KrakenZET[ZEW]). 2 years ago
Avatar Vlasez.WEE was uninvited by OZIL from faction Taxi Los Santos (rank 5) after 91 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Demis la cerere. 2 years ago
Avatar Vlasez.StarS has joined the group Taxi LS (invited by OZIL). 3 years ago
Avatar Vlasez. was uninvited by BlackSun from faction Paramedic Departament LV (rank 5) after 137 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Demis la cerere.. 3 years ago
Avatar Vlasez[THC] has joined the group Paramedic Department LV (invited by Tudy4226.THC). 3 years ago
Avatar Vlasez was uninvited by RoPe from faction Federal Bureau Of Investigations (rank 1) after 7 days, with 40 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. 3 years ago
Avatar [StarS]Vlasez has joined the group F.B.I (invited by W0LF1N). 3 years ago
Name Level Hours Group
ruca123 155 1324.2 Civilian
Bahaos.BRO 46 399.144 Civilian
Codrutzx.RPG 38 286.019 Civilian
David120 30 169.29 Civilian
Bahaos.BRO.3 26 131.292 Civilian
Bahaos.BRO.2 26 131.235 Civilian
Bahaos.BRO.1 26 130.538 Civilian
A.L.E.X 24 118.524 Civilian
Co$min 5 9.09166 Civilian
Syko 5 7.05831 Civilian
Pozitia69 2 1.9075 Civilian

Rob - skill 1

Pizza Boy - skill 5

Bus Driver - skill 4

Garbage Man - skill 2

Fisherman - skill 6

Trucker - skill 6

Farmer - skill 13

Quarry Worker - skill 1

Security Transporter - skill 1

Postman - skill 3

  • Get your first driving license. - completed
  • Give up your unemployed life. - completed
  • Buy your first cellphone from a 24/7 store. - completed
  • Change up! Go get your first new pair of clothes. - completed
  • Get your first payday. - completed
  • Now it's the time! Advance your first job skill. - completed
  • It's time to become a bad boy! - completed
  • It's time to make some more money! - completed
  • Get recruited in your first clan. - completed
  • Buy your first brand new vehicle. - completed
  • Finish your first daily quest. - completed
  • Pass your first gun licence exam. - completed
  • Pass your first boat licence exam. - completed
  • Pass your first flying licence exam. - completed
  • It's time to advance. Join your first faction! - completed
  • Reach the max skill at any job. - completed
  • You're rich! Get to your first$ deposited. - completed
  • Get your first co-leader of a faction. - not completed
  • Become a leader for the first time. - not completed
  • Become a helper for the first time. - not completed
  • Become an admin for the first time. - not completed
  • Make your first purchase. - completed
    Big avatar
    Limited Skin 0
    Big avatar
    Limited Skin 296

    Model: 19061
    Type: default
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19064
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18918
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 11704
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19631
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 3026
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19320
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19631
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19343
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19318
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 1
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19341
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19080
    Type: SPECIAL
    Bone: 6
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19625
    Type: EVENT
    Bone: 18
    Status: wearing

    Model: 1951
    Type: EVENT
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19060
    Type: EVENT
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19054
    Type: EVENT
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18915
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19140
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18646
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 2
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19082
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 6
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19528
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19081
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 6
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19080
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 6
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18643
    Type: MYTHIC
    Bone: 6
    Status: wearing

    Model: 19137
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19137
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19558
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18918
    Type: ANTIQUE
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19014
    Type: PREMIUM
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19009
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18945
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19015
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19488
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19098
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19017
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19017
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19032
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19031
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19031
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19034
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19021
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 18935
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 2
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19006
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19010
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing

    Model: 19012
    Type: COMMON
    Bone: 17
    Status: not wearing